
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Gearing up for Summer.....

I love the beach...and yesterday we had a great time there. I love the smell of the ocean and the sound of the ocean waves. I can always see the amazing work of God's hand when I am at the beach. I am so looking forward to our school, no schedules. We have a busy summer planned...out of town family visiting, my oldest daughter's baptism, her surgery (tonsils and adenoids), 10 day vacation including 7 wonderful days at the beach, then 3 spent with family we just don't get to see often enough, orthodontist appointments with the oldest. Hopefully August will be a lot of down time playing and enjoying each other.

So what are your plans for the summer?

(I will be putting up a new recipe soon ;-) )

Here is a picture of our little crab friend yesterday at the beach.


  1. Glad you're back. Missed you this weekend.

    We're going to the beach in July. CJ's going to camp @ Liberty in July, too. Other than that, just using our Fun Passes as much as we can.

    I'm on the countdown for school to be out!

  2. Hi Alyce! I'm glad you guys had fun at the beach! This summer my kids will be doing Vacation Bible school, and we'll probably go to the VA beach for a long weekend and then perhaps to NagsHead for a week.

    Glad you guys enjoyed the holiday!

  3. found your blog off another's awful..I can't remember "whose" now. We leave Monday for the Outer Banks of NC. I love the ocean. I enjoyed reading your blog.


  4. Would I know your Uncle? I graduated in Dec. of '88...

    I grew up in Statesville NC, about an hour north of Charlotte. I married a Virginia man who got a job in Tennessee and we relocated.

    Come visit again! I like making new friends!!!

  5. I didn't realize you had been blogging, too - I have a lot to catch up on!

    Crabs are so darned cute. I had a baby one (about the size of a dime) follow me around Tybee once.. I picked him up by his leg... then he crawled all over mine!

  6. Yes, the beach is a wonderful place, isn't it? I hope to spend a lot of my summer at the beach. Gas prices be damned! :o)

  7. I love the beach! I love the feel of the sand beneath my toes and the cool water lapping around me. Ahhh...wish I was there now!

    Prayers and Blessings!
