
Thursday, May 15, 2008

W.O.W. Carnival

Becky,, is hosting a Within One Week Carnival. The topic...a room in your home that is driving you crazy! I have actually posted on this before. My home office is a disaster. Its getting a little better since I've moved my daughter's school desk to the attic and cleaned up all her "papers". This room has a treadmill, gun cabinet, book case, desk, filing cabinet, tv, and piles of stuff in it. I need some order to it as you can tell from the pictures. We are to try to get as much accomplished as we can in this area in one week. It is certainly a challenge, but a motivating one! So lets play along and encourage each other to tackle these areas in our homes.


  1. GO ALYCE!!! I hopped over from Becky's and I'm here to cheer you on!!

    I can't wait to check back next week and see you after pictures.

  2. Let me just tell everyone that this is the ONLY room in Alyce's house that looks like this!

    Can't wait to see the finished product.

  3. Thanks Angie!!

    Thanks to Melissa too...Well, yea, its the only one that looks this BAD..the others have their fair share of clutter. Just stop by middle of the week and take a peek!

  4. Thanks for the hot tip...I'll head over to Becky's and check it out.

    I LOVE the fact that your office has a gun are a true Virginian.

  5. husband is an avid hunter..can you see the bottoms of the deer heads in the pictures???
    That is the only room that I allow those heads in!

  6. Thank you for stopping by and seeing me. It's so fun to get new comments.

    We are just moving across town to the east side of Spokane. We are making the move so that we can be closer to my husbands work. I know I'm complaining about such a little move but it still seems huge to me!!

    Thanks for the tips!

  7. I'm here to cheer you on, too! : )

    Thank you so much for playing along. I'm glad you figured out how to get your pictures on your blog. It's fun for us to see the before pics. I'll have to do that for my room.

    It looks like you have a beautiful home. I was trying to think of some ideas to make this easier for you....maybe a clean sweep style where you take everything out and only bring back in what you want there? That might be harder than just digging in, though. I'll think some more about it.

    The thing that works best for me is to set a timer and just get in and work until it goes off. Then come back the next day. That way I don't get too burned out and it progressively gets better.

    You could put some of the things you don't want out in the open behind a screen. I think there are tutorials online for how to make one that is pretty inexpensive. Just some ideas....

    Can't wait to see what we all get accomplished....I'm off now to actually get some work done. : )


  8. A room that drives me crazy? My SON'S messy, messy room. Bleh. But my guest room is the other room to drive me nuts. And I'm already attempting to fix that problem. Can't wait to see what you do to your office this week!

  9. Hi! My suggestions would be to totally de-clutter! Go through everything and get rid of everything you haven't used in the past 6mos-1yr. Once you do that take an inventory of everything you have and figure out how to store it...boxes, baskets, bins. I always try to find something cute that will hide everything. Also, you could cut down on some of your picture frames by making your photos black and white and enlarge them and frame them in some inexpensive frames and group them on the wall. I bet once you go through everything and keep only what you need, everything will fall into place. I can't wait to see the results!!!

  10. HI Alyce!
    Love your wood floors and wall color. :)
    Just wanted to tell you that I made your Butter Pecan cake & my family LOVED it...even asked for it again the next night since we demolished it. I'm going to make it this weekend as a suprise for my son.
    Thanks for sharing! OH, and my husband hates cocunut, but loved this~said he couldn't even tell & of course I waited until after he ate it to tell him. :)

  11. Hi, if all the furniture is brown then you might want to go with brown frames or white frames. If there is not enough room in there then maybe somewhere else or maybe a bigger bookshelf? :) If you edit some books then you will have more space for the frames. I love the green color! I didn't notice it before. :) You don't need a decorator!! I know you can do it! But sometimes it isn't a bad idea to have someone come in (a friend) and give their opinion. It helps to have an opinion of someone who doesn't live there.

  12. Yea!!! I'm glad you found some frames!!! I'm so glad you are going to frame your invitation. Post it! :)

  13. Alyce,

    I just love the wall color in your office. Do you remember the brand and name of that color?

    My Master Bedroom is coming along! : ) I just posted an update on my blog.

    Hope you are having fun and not working too hard.

    : ) Becky

  14. I am here from Becky's site to cheer you on! Can't wait to see the after pictures....good luck, we too have a room like yours too that might have to be my next project!!

  15. I just saw your comment on my blog. I'm so excited to see your finished office! : )

    My room is all clean, I'm just in a desperate dash to finish the decorating so I can reveal it all tomorrow.

    : )
