
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Busy Busy Busy...and not much to say...

I've been kinda quiet this week. Its been the last week of school (hooray!) and its also just been a really busy week. I have family coming in this weekend and staying with us for a week. My family is so excited and can't wait to see them. Its been 7 months since we've seen my brother in law, sister in law and my two nieces. I just known they've grown so much! With that said, I most likely will not be posting for a couple weeks. I am going to be cleaning, cooking and enjoy some good family time!
My oldest daughter will be baptized this Sunday..what a wonderful gift for her daddy! He also gets to assist in the baptism and I know that means so much to him. We are going to have such a special Father's Day and I hope you all do too!


  1. How special for your daughter to be baptised. I hung my plates wth plate hangers (hardware section at Walmart or checkout counter at Hobby Lobby). Then I used upholstery tacks as nails to hold them up. They make smaller holes than nails and you don't have to have a hammer. :) Post a pic if you put them up!

  2. Hi Alyce! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I always love to find new blogging buddies.

    By the way, I think you and my daughter have the same name. We spell her's "Alise." Am I right?

    What a GREAT Father's Day present!

    Have fun with your company!

  3. I know you're looking forward to seeing them all. I'm going to miss baptism, because I'll be in the 3-year old nursery class :-(

  4. Hi Alyce! I hope you guys have a fun visit. And congrats on the big weekend! Your daughter's Re-birthday day!

    Talk to you soon.

  5. p.s. I'm enjoying all the changes on your blog. Your picture is really pretty.

  6. Those are the cutest little baby birds! I love em'... Susie H

  7. Wow! How special that your daughter is being baptised this Sunday!

  8. That's wonderful Alyce! All of it :)

    I hope you have a good time cleaning and cooking and being a fantastic woman, wife and mother! Haha.

    Just thought I'd check your blog on my morning 'rounds. Have a great weekend!

  9. That's so great that your husband was able to take part in your daughter's baptism! My father baptized me and my sister. It was such a beautiful, powerful moment. I know your husband and daughter will remember it forever!

    Have fun with your family!

  10. those little birds are just the cutest thing I ever did see. I bit on the homely side but cute. Im sure you have enjoyed watching them grow~ Susie H

  11. Hi, Alyce, thanks for coming by to see me. I almost forgot to come over & tell you about Homer Laughlin. I'm not an expert on HL, but I know his dishware is very collectible. I have a few pieces that I've picked up over the years. Not sure how far back his stuff dates to, but I think maybe back to the 40's or 50's. I really have no idea, I'm not an expert on any dishware. But, you can check out Ebay for an idea of what they go for. They aren't very expensive from what I can tell either, but just nice pieces to collect.

    Hope you'll come back to visit!


  12. Hi again Alyce. I was almost 100% sure I'd psoted my comment about how to make the blog award show up.. I must've got the word verification wrong and not noticed.. and then closed the window because I'm nuts.

    anyway! to put the award on your blog you can copy this url:
    and put it into the picture URL box if you use the "rich text editor" or you can copy and paste this:
    <*img src="" *> into your blog (remove the *'s though!) if you use the plain version.. if that makes sense.

    Hope you're having a great day!

  13. No, sadly they don't have a website and I think they are pretty much a local store. You will just have to come to Arkansas!! :)

  14. HI I emailed you a list of some of the places that sell the HONEY... I do not know how often the Savannah BEE COMPANY updates their list.

  15. Love these bird photos...(but I'm a little bias when it comes to things that!) what fun it must have been to document them with kids!
