Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I had been wanting some grilled kabobs all weekend long. Finally on Tuesday I was able to make some.
I used one package of sirloin, 2 large boneless, skinless chicken breasts, two green peppers, two red peppers and two medium-large onions.

Cut sirloin and chicken into chunks. Do the same for the veggies. I put the sirloin and chicken in separate containers. The veggies layered in one dish. Pour some of this yummy, Honey Teriyaki, marinade over the meat and let marinate for a few hours.

I poured some over the veggies probably 30 minutes before cooking the kabobs. You can marinate them as long as you like.

Slide those goodies on the kabobs and grill until done!



Shannon said...

Your blog always makes me so hungry! :)

Anonymous said...

I really need a grill/grillpan! Everything, and I mean everything, tastes better after a little charring :P

I'm filing this recipe away too!

Sandy @ The Scoop on Balance said...

Yummmy! Link this up to Fitness Friday, girl!!! Everyone did recipes!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Looks yummy! I just used the marinade last night on chicken breast that we grilled!


Breanna said...

ah, those look so yummy!!! feel free to fed-ex them to me! :)
-breanna, NE

Anonymous said...

yumm! those kabobs look so great! i love ken's!!! glad you're coming to tybee!! is it for vacation?

Sandy @ The Scoop on Balance said...


I went ahead and linked it up to this week's post for you. :)

For future reference, here's what you do:

Click on the Mr Linky icon at the bottom of my post. (the normal Mr. Linky is not functional. Normally, the boxes to put your link is already there. But for now, you must click first)

In the box that says "name" you put your name and the subject of your post.

In the box that says "URL" put the address of your post. To get that, click on the title of your post. then look up in you address box at the top of your screen and highlight the entire thing and "copy" it. Then paste it in this box.

Then on your blog, you can link back to me if you want to...just telling people about Fitness Friday and how very awesome I am. Just kidding. ha ha.


Live.Love.Eat said...

Hey there. These kabobs look outrageous!!!! You stopped by awhile back but I have been slow to getting around to saying thank you!!!!!!

P.J. and Lizzy said...

Hey, if you get pineapple on sale anytime soon, try some pineapple chunks on the kebabs, too. They taste AMAZING on the grill!

Melanie said...

yummmmmy!!!! i am so hungry now. I have been wanting to grill some of these for a while! It may just be on the agenda this week!!! ha!