Monday, August 18, 2008

Finding your inner hair color...

I took one of those silly quizzes online. This one is for discovering your inner hair color. Well, I discovered my hair should be pink! I don't think I really buy it though..the description really doesn't sound like me...well, maybe the insane part!! Try it out and find your inner hair color!

Your Hair Should Be Pink

Hyper, insane, and a boatload of fun.

You're a traveling party that everyone loves to follow.


Kelly said...

Well, wouldn't we make a pair? Pink & purple hair.

Anytime you'd like to commiserate on 9 years olds, drama, or Christian schools (or anything else!) feel free to email me.

Jeni said...

Hey thanks for stopping by my blog. Wish I would have seen those handsome Deen brothers! I love everything Deen. Have you eaten at her place before? I have all the cookbooks! MMM

Robin Lynne said...

I should have purple hair - and I'm, apparently, unconventional :P

Shannon said...


I got the tv cabinet at Sam's Club.
Thanks for your opinion on my urns!

Anonymous said...

Hey Alyce,

You left me a question on my blog about how I got the pictures at the top for my header... Well, I used PaintShop Pro and made the graphic before importing it. If you have access to any type of graphics software you can do the same. Just open the pictures you want to use and arrange them as you would like. I'm not a graphic artist by any means and it wasn't too, too difficult. I know Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality posted once on how she did it. Maybe check with her blog for better instructions! Sorry I'm not much of a help...

Anonymous said...

Loved the hair quiz, my pink hair should be able to hide my 'few' gray hairs....I hope :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Alyce! My hair should be ORANGE! Go figure. That was fun
PS this is Jo Jo's Mom !